[GUI] - Damage over Time system [Easy]

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[GUI] - Damage over Time system [Easy]


Post by Enalias » Fri Nov 02, 2018 9:11 am

Hard time making spells?
Meet your friend GDoT v1.0. This system ables to:-

-damage target overtime with ease
-shorten your code
-make your code faster
-make a simple MUI spell

It also contain its own event.

-GDoT_OnHitEvent = 1.00 (when the target receives damage)
-GDoT_EndDoTEvent = 1.00 (when the DoT ends)

Those event will provides.

-GDoT_EventCaster (the DoT damager)
-GDoT_EventTarget (the DoT target)
-GDoT_EventDpS (the damage amount per hit)

Credits: RiskYourLife
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